Citoyenneté, démocratie, ethnicité et vote au Royaume-Uni

British nationality in XXIst century British Colonial Empire

"The 1981 Nationality Act harmonised immigration and citizenship law by incorporating patriality into the definition of citizenship. It created British Dependent Territory Citizenship for those without direct blood links to the UK. This status was especially anomalous for citizens in the oceanic island dependencies. Invasion led to the restoration of citizenship to all Falklanders, and the St. Helenians are promised restoration but the status of the Ilois of the Chagos Archipelago remains unclear given that they were forcibly removed to Mauritius by the British colonial administration. Muddle, inconsistency and racism continue to mark the evolution of immigration and citizenship law."

Robert Moore, "The Debris of Empire: the 1981 Nationality Act and the Oceanic Dependent Territories", Immigrants & Minorities, Abstracts of articles in Issue 19.1, March 2001


Pro-democracy politician in Hong Kong gives up British citizenship, BBC News, Monday, December 15, 1997

Britain grants citizenship to Hong Kong minorities, CNN February 4, 1997 (Correspondent Siobhan Darrow and Reuters contributed to this report)


The Empire is no more, but it's not all over yet, BBC News, Wednesday, February 4, 1998

Cook's dozen - the 13 remaining colonies, BBC News, Wednesday, February 4, 1998

Passports promise for Britain's territories, BBC News, Wednesday, February 4, 1998

New Overseas Territories department for Britain, BBC News, July 13, 1998

Britain debates citizenship for colonies, BBC News, July 14, 1998

New set-up for Britain's colonies, BBC News, July 14, 1998


Colonial hopes rise for UK citizenship, BBC News, March 17, 1999

Britain restores colony rights, BBC News, March 17, 1999

UK citizenship extended to territories, BBC News, March 17, 1999



MP fights for islanders' rights, BBC News, Thursday, 22 November, 2001

Britain moves to extend citizenship to overseas territories, The Associated Press, Nov. 23, 2001

Citoyenneté, démocratie, ethnicité et vote au Royaume-Uni