L'évolution vers le suffrage universel aux Etats-Unis (religion, race, nationalité)
Le droit de vote des étrangers dans le monde

Aliens (noncitizens) voting rights in the U.S.A.

Pierre-Yves Lambert, Le droit de vote des étrangers aux États-Unis, du XVIIIème siècle à nos jours, 07/12/2007 (format pdf, 109 Ko)


Foreigners voting rights in the Kingdom of Hawai'i (1841-1893)

Aliens voting rights in Florida

Aliens voting rights in Minnesota

Noncitizens voting rights in Texas

Aliens voting rights in Alabama

Aliens voting rights in Georgia


recent developments in Massachussets (Amherst, Cambridge)

recent developments in Maryland (Takoma Park) 

Aliens voting rights in California - the debate

Debate around noncitizens voting rights in New York

see also: 

  1. Jamin Raskin, « Legal Aliens, Local Citizens: The Historical, Constitutional and Theoretical Meanings of Alien Suffrage », University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1993, 141:1391-1470. 
  2. Ronald Hayduk, Non-Citizen Voting: Pipe Dream or Possibility, Get out in front (Drum Major Institute), Spring 2003, p. 37-46 (also available here)
  3. David C. Earnest, Noncitizen Voting Rights: A Survey of an Emerging Democratic Norm, August 29, 2003, 2003 annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  4. Lisa García Bedolla, Rethinking Citizenship: Noncitizen Voting and Immigrant Political Engagement in the United States
  5. the website of the Immigrant Voting Project 
  6. the wikipedia articles Rights of foreigners to vote - United States and Droit de vote des étrangers aux Etats-Unis
and other articles or books (not online):
Leon E. Aylsworth, “The Passing of Alien Suffrage,” American Political Science Review 25 (1931):.114-116.
Gerald Rosberg, “Aliens and Equal Protection: Why Not the Right to Vote? Michigan Law Review. April-May, 1977. Vol. 75. Pages 1092-1136.
Paul Tiao, “Non-Citizen Suffrage: An Argument Based on the Voting Rights Act and Related Law,” Columbia Human Rights Law Review 25 (1993)
Virginia Harper-Ho, “Noncitizen Voting Rights: The History, the Law and Current Prospects for Change,” Law and Inequality Journal, 18 (2000): 271-322
Ronald Hayduk,  Democracy For All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights In The United States, Routledge, 2006